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Thermo Scientific Competent Cells | Thermo Fisher Scientific...
来自 : www.thermofisher.com/cn/en/hom 发布时间:2021-03-24
Thermo Scientific DH10B competent cell transformation efficiency in the CloneJET PCR cloning workflow

A 976 bp PCR product was generated using eitherThermo Scientific DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X) (represented by grey bar) or Thermo Scientific Phusion Hot Start II DNA Polymerase (represented by blue bar)and ligated into a cloning vector according to the manufacturers’ protocols. The transformation efficiency obtained with the control fragment provided with the CloneJET PCR Cloning Kit is represented by the yellow bar. Ligation mixtures were used to transform Thermo ScientificDH10B cells. The expected transformation efficiency of competent cells is 1 x 107 CFU/µg DNA. The transformation efficiency specification of DH10B competent cells with pUC19 DNA is 1 x 109 CFU/µg DNA. The values shown are the average of five transformations. Error bars represent standard deviations.

Learn how Thermo Scientific DH10B, DH5α, and BL21(DE3) competent cells, produced to deliver reliable, consistent results, can help achieve high ...bacterial transformation, DH10B, DH5α, BL21(DE3), cloning, subcloningLearn how Thermo Scientific DH10B, DH5α, and BL21(DE3) competent cells, produced to deliver reliable, consistent results, can help achieve high efficiency transformation in applications including cDNA library construction; cloning and subcloning DNA, cDNA, plasmids, and BACs; site-directed mutagenesis; and protein expression.Thermo Scientific Competent Cells

本文链接: http://dhscientific.immuno-online.com/view-689579.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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